”The Super Mario Brothers Movie,” a collaborative animation of Nintendo’s “Super Mario” action game series by Illumination Studios (of “Phantom Thief” and “Minions” fame) and Nintendo, has been a huge hit overseas, breaking numerous records.
The film, which opened in North America on April 5, grossed $146.4 million in its first three days and $204.6 million in its fifth day, beating out “Ant-Man & Wasp: Quantomania” ($106.1 million in its first three days) to become the No. 1 opening of the year. It also became the #1 movie based on a video game, beating out “Sonic the Movie: Sonic vs. Knuckles” ($72.1 million in three days).
The film’s five-day worldwide total was $377 million, second only to “Frozen 2.” It is also the highest-grossing film for Illumination, which has had a string of hits including the “Minions” series.
”The Super Mario Bros. Movie received a mediocre overall rating of 56% on Rotten Tomatoes, a U.S. review site that aggregates reviews from professional critics, but a high “A” rating on CinemaScore, a compilation of reviews from moviegoers who have actually seen the film. The movie seems to have captured the hearts of moviegoers in general.
The Super Mario Brothers Movie will be released in Japan on April 28.
We look forward to it.