“Sasuke,” an anime based on the novel by Sanpei Shirato, is to be broadcast on the Jidai Gekijo Specialty Channel from today.

sasuke anime

TV anime “Sasuke” and “Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden” based on the original story by Sanpei Shiratsuchi will start airing on the Jidai Gekijutsu Senmon Chan from 26:00 today, September 15, 2012. In conjunction with this, a campaign to win goods from “Sasuke” and “Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden” is underway.

The lineup includes “A5 character fine graph” and “character stamp” of “Sasuke” and “Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden”. Each will be given away as a set to 10 winners in a drawing. To enter, follow the official Twitter account of Jidai Gekijutsu Senmon Channel (@jidaigekich) and RT the campaign tweets by October 8.

Jidai Gekijutsu Senmon Channel will air two episodes of “Sasuke” from today through October 6, Monday through Friday. The “Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden” will be on air from October 7. In addition, all episodes can be viewed as much as you want on the “SKY PerfecTV! Program Distribution” which will also offer unlimited viewing of all episodes. This is the first time that “Sasuke” and “Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden” will appear on the distribution service, so fans should not forget to check them out.

I watched it when I was a child. It is a masterpiece of Japanese animation.


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