On September 11, the full-length feature-length animated film “Ame wo Tsugeru Hyoryu Danchi” (directed by Yuyasu Ishida, to be released on September 16) by Studio Colorado, known for its “Penguin Highway” animated film, was released to the public. In this scene, five children including Kosuke are caught up in a mysterious phenomenon at a housing complex that is being demolished, and they meet a mysterious boy named ” Noppo.” Kosuke and his friends suddenly encounter Noppo in the dark apartment complex and run away in a panic.
The film depicts the adventures of Kosuke, Natsume, and their friends in the 6th grade of elementary school, who enter an apartment complex before it is demolished. The apartment complex carrying the boys and girls is set adrift in the ocean. This is the third feature-length animated feature film from Studio Colorado, following “Penguin Highway” and “Cry Me a Cat”, and is directed by Mr. Ishida, who directed “Penguin Highway”.
The film stars Mutsumi Tamura as Kosuke, a sixth grader, and Masami Seto as Natsume, and also features Ayumi Murase, Daiki Yamashita, Yumiko Kobayashi, Inori Minase, and Kana Hanazawa as voice actors.
To commemorate the release of “Ame wo Tsugeru Hyoryu Danchi,” “Penguin Highway” (directed by Ishida, released in 2018), produced by the studio, will be broadcast on TOKYO MX on September 11 at 7 p.m., and “Crying Like a Cat” (directed by Junichi Sato and Tomotaka Shibayama, released in 2020) will be aired on TV Tokyo on September 18 at 10 p.m. Both films will be aired for the first time on terrestrial television. Both films will be broadcast on terrestrial television for the first time.