Pokémon Center Okinawa,” an official store selling products related to the popular “Pokémon” animation series, opened on the first floor of AEON MALL Okinawa Lycoming on November 11, 2012.
There are 15 Pokémon Centers in Japan, and this is the 16th Pokémon Center in Okinawa. A preview of the store was held on October 10 and was attended by officials and others.
The store attracted a lot of attention, with many people enjoying taking commemorative photos in the store.
The store, which was designed in the image of the beautiful nature of Okinawa, consists of four areas. In addition to the “Goods Area,” which sells merchandise, there is also a “Card Area,” a “Game & Application Area,” and a “Video Transmission & Event Space.
Mr. Mon Sasagawa of the Promotion Department of the Pokémon Company says, “We have many Asian tourists and U.S. military customers. We want to make the store loved not only by Japanese people but also globally.
One more thing to look forward to in Okinawa.