Season 2 of the TV anime “MIX MEISEI STORY,” based on the sequel manga “MIX,” which takes place about 30 years after Mitsuru Adachi’s baseball manga “Touch,” will air on Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. on Yomiuri and NTV beginning April 1. The series will air every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. on Yomiuri and NTV beginning April 1, 2012.
Brothers Tachibana Touma and Tachibana Souichiro are in their second year of high school and are aiming for the Koshien (the national high school baseball championship) in the Meisei Gakuen Baseball Club.
”Touch” is a popular manga that was serialized in “Weekly Shōnen Sunday” (Shogakukan) from 1981 to 1986. It has been made into an animated TV series, an animated movie, and a live-action drama.
“MIX” has been serialized by Adachi in “Gessan” (Shogakukan) since May 2012. Set about 30 years after Uesugi Tatsuya and his friends from “Touch” won the Koshien championship, the story follows the Tachibana brothers, who are not related by blood, as they join the Meisei Gakuen and aim to compete in the Koshien tournament. Season 1 of the TV anime aired from April to September 2019.
In the first episode, “Yoroshiku Tanomuha,” the Meisei Academy baseball team is the center of attention in the school after a great performance in the semifinals of the East Tokyo Tournament and a game against Tosyu High School.
Many students, mistakenly believing that joining the baseball club will make them popular, apply to join the club, much to the dismay of manager Haruka Oyama. However, Souichiro finds a certain person in one of the applications. Meanwhile, Touma and Otomi Tachibana receive a phone call from their mother Mayumi.