“Dragon Ball Super Super Hero,” the 21st film version of the popular anime “Dragon Ball” based on Akira Toriyama’s manga, has grossed over 1.27 billion yen in its first nine days of release on June 11. The number of spectators exceeded 940,000.
It was also announced that from June 25, a visual clear board with illustrations drawn by the original author Toriyama will be distributed as the second admission present. There will be two types in total, limited to 1 million copies.
”Dragon Ball Super Super Hero” is the first theatrical release since the 20th Dragon Ball Super Broly, which was released in December 2018.
The original author Toriyama wrote the script and designed the characters. Tetsuro Kodama, who worked on the 3D part of the previous “Dragon Ball Super Broly,” is directing the film.
Those who have inherited the will of the Red Ribbon Army, an evil organization once destroyed by Son Goku, have created the new strongest artificial humans, Gamma No. 1 and No. 2, and attack Piccolo, Son Gohan, and others. ……