Masako Nozawa says Dragon Ball ‘will never betray’ her confidence in her latest work.

dragonball film

Voice actress Masako Nozawa attended the opening day stage greeting of the film Dragon Ball Super Super Hero in Tokyo on 11 May, together with co-stars Toshio Furukawa, Miyu Irino, and Hiroshi Kamiya, Mamoru Miyano, and director Tetsuro Kodama.

 The manga DRAGON BALL was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1984 to 1995; in 2015, a new series Dragon Ball Super was launched based on the original author Akira Toriyama’s original story, and in 2013, the film series was revived for the first time in 17 years, with a string of blockbuster hits.

This latest film in the series is based on the original story, script, and character design by Akira Toriyama. Super battles unfold in top-density quality using the latest technology.

 Nozawa says: “Oss, Ora Goku! I’m Gohan.” and Furukawa: “Sorry to keep you waiting… Furukawa greeted the audience from the very beginning, mixing in the lines of their roles.

 Nozawa commented, “Goku has always been the main character and has been rampaging around, but now Gohan is the main character, so it’s warm work. Nozawa revealed his surprise that Gohan will be the main character, “I was already surprised”, but added: “He’s with my favorite Piccolo. He’s my favorite Piccolo-san. He’s my master.

 Meanwhile, Furukawa said, “In the past, when Piccolo was training the young Gohan very strictly, Mako-san (Nozawa) and Hachinami Ryouji-san in the studio kept saying, ‘You’re seriously fighting against a little kid! I never dreamt that a film would be made with those two master disciples as the main characters. I was really happy.

 Nozawa said of his scenes with Kamiya, who plays Gamma 1: “It’s great. It’s very easy to work with. I don’t mean to say this, but… we go to the same hairdresser’s.” This drew laughter from the audience.

 Nozawa says she avoids talking to the cast members who play the antagonists, explaining the reason for this: “If you talk to the antagonists when they’re saying goodnight, you get emotionally attached to them. In my mind, it has to do with the play. I have to be thorough and say, ‘Evil! This guy!’ ‘” she confessed. However, she said she was “fine” with Kamiya and repeated, “We share the same hairdresser”, to which the audience laughed and applauded loudly.

 Finally, Nozawa said confidently, “I’ve already done a number of Dragon Ball films, but I will never betray you. He made a playful appeal: ‘I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching it, so if you see it today, one of you should contact one of the five of us.

It’s going to be a must-see film. I’m thrilled and excited!

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