Voice actor Yuki Kaji and child actor Chise Niitsu will appear in the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED”!

one piece film red

Voice actor Yuki Kaji and child actor Chise Niitsu will appear in the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED” scheduled to be released on August 6.

Chise Niitsu will play the role of Romy, a girl who “longs to be a Uta,” and Yuki Kaji will play the role of Yorueka, a shepherd boy. Niitsu commented, “I was able to enjoy playing Romy. Mr. Kaji added that while he was happy to be able to appear in “One Piece,” “Jor-Eka is! She is a complete mob!” and talked about Yorueka’s role in the work.

 At the same time as the announcement of the new characters, a short video featuring Romy and Yorueka was released on YouTube. The characters appearing in “ONE PIECE FILM RED” are gradually being revealed.

Furthermore, from July 14 onward, character visuals will be released on the film’s official SNS and other sites.

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